Cat Walk

A beautiful day to take the cat for a walk.  Not something you see every day.


Tash said…
No way! I've heard of this but NEVER thought it true. Great capture.
Our cats follow us around (well, follow my husband around) when he takes our dog Amy for a walk. So do my friends. But they'd haul if we but them on a leash.
Anonymous said…
ha! only in monrovia!!!
Anonymous said…
I'm with Tash on this. Never worked for me
Alessandra said…
She usually has the cat in a baby stroller...
Lisa..... said…
Unless you see her everyday!!! It's the cat lady!
Keith said…
Anonymous: After taking the photo, I was looking at the others drivers and pedestrians. No one gave any indication that this was at all unusual.

Tash, Pas Adj: The cat handled it with no problem. No hesitation, even a little strut in her step.

Alessandra, Lisa: I guess I'm late to this party, I wasn't aware of her before now.