Gem City Images Is 2 Years Old!

Yes, it's true!  2 years of new photos from Monrovia, California each and every day.  730 unique photos, plus a few extra along the way for good measure.

Some of the milestones over the past year:

-Sold several prints of my Monrovia images.
- Licensed several of my Monrovia images.
(Making this process simpler and more convenient than ever is the goal).
-Published and seen around the world!
-Page views have increased 5 - 10% per month over the past few months.
 -Reconnected, through City Daily Photo, to the family tree.  Hi!, cousin Judy!  More on this on Monday 6/21.

Thanks to everyone for all the visits and comments!  Let's see what year three brings.

The Tres Leches pictured above is from Merengue Bakery and Cafe.  It didn't last long after the photo shoot.  It was delicious.


Anonymous said…
Congrats to you! Have enjoyed the world through your eyes.
jake said…
Great photo blog. Thanks for the two years of photos! We hope for many more!
Heather Stokes said…
Congratulations. Here's to many more years of wonderful Photographs of our beautiful city!
Anonymous said…
Good for you Keith. You are one of my favorite "Adjacents"
That cup cake does look delicious
Jilly said…
Happy 2nd birthday - a milestone indeed and what a lot you've achieved in that time. Looking forward to more photographs of your beautiful part of the world.
Tash said…
Congratulations! And what's really impressive is that you stick to Monrovia and the nearby hills. Glad about your 2nd year successes & look forward to a great 3rd year. Hi to your cousin Judy too!
Tash said…
PS - really splendid photo. Looks like a face.
Hilda said…
I'm always late for anniversaries!

Happy blog birthday! Congratulations and many, many thanks for sharing Monrovia with us!

That cupcake looks absolutely delicious!
Keith said…
Thanks to everyone for the comments, kind words and encouragement! When I first started the blog, I thought I'd be practicing my photography in obscurity, I never expected the response I've received. It's been a lot of fun, although I do panic now and then when I run out of ideas. I'm always open to suggestions!
Petrea Burchard said…
Happy 2, Keith! Congratulations on this milestone.
Big belated congratulations. I have not been blog visiting much anywhere but always appreciated your keen eye. Good to see that people buy and viewers increased and I'm sure more will come too.