The Halloween Llama


Anonymous said…
As a kid, I went to a horse camp. One of our chores was to clean out the llama stall. They are notorious and accurate spitters.
Heather Stokes said…
GREAT PIC - Love the lighting!
Keith said…
Altadenahiker: Hmm, accurate spitters separated from the sidewalk by only a chain link fence. This could be fun!

HSDesigns: Thank you!
Lisa..... said…
Does anyone else drive by this and feel kinda sorry for them? Hanging out all day next Huntington Drive? I wish they had a better location.
Keith said…
Lisa: I've seen a couple more pumpkin patches that look just like this one with the slide and petting zoo. This is not an isolated setup. Is there a business out there that rents animals by the month? I do feel sorry for them.