Moon Over Monrovia - Disney Version*
First the credits:
I saw this in a post on the Living In Monrovia blog of a photo by Loren Javier.
Stephanie May left a comment with some info on the artist and a link to this article from the LA Times.
A little more research uncovered some more info on the artist ( Joseph J. Musil) and the poster.
The above is one of the faux movie billboards on display outside the Hyperian Theater in Disney's California Adventure. This one is advertising a musical about...Monrovia!
I was at the theme parks recently and wanted to see the billboard for myself while I was there.
The young lady outside the Hyperian Theater was nice enough to let me go through the large empty queue area in order to get a quick photo.
Unfortunately, after asking around, I confirmed that copies of the billboards are not available for purchase.
*For long time visitors with good memories, I have used "Moon Over Monrovia" as a title before, long before I knew this poster existed.
Buenos Aires Photo
I wish I had some copies of a Yugoslavian comics weekly for children that featured mostly Disney comics, some in serial way. They arrived every Friday and I just loved them. I remember one where Donald Duck got tired of everyone in the neighborhood copying the design of his house & yard (which was pretty strange to a kid who thought luxury was living in a 10-story "skyscraper" building) & put up a huge wall around the property. I forget how it resolved itself.
So was Moon Over Monrovia a cartoon feature?
I'll send my request in.
Tash and Pas Adj: The way I understand it, the billboards were created to provide atmosphere outside the Hyperian Theater in California Adventure. What the mock billboards advertise, in this case "Moon Over Monrovia", is completely made up. There are 5 different billboards in all. I'd love to find out how Monrovia came to be a part of one of them.
Whether we can someday have our own copy remains to be seen.
Tash: I used to have some, I believe they were Little Golden Books, Disney stories when I was a kid. I wish I still had them now.