Monrovia Train Depot Torn Down

Update:  Just kidding!  Happy April Fools' Day!

Not the post I was planning on putting up today, but I was driving north on Myrtle towards the freeway when I saw that the depot was gone.  I couldn't believe it.  The last I heard they didn't yet know how the depot would be used, but I had no idea it was going to be torn down.


D. Musick said…
That sucks...this isn't an April Fool's joke, is it?
Elizabeth Chase said…
This had BETTER be an April Fools' joke. We don't go by there regularly, so I don't know. But I will be one upset Monrovian!!
Keith said…
You are both wise to be skeptical. It is an April Fools' joke.
That was mean - you had me all fired up and I do go by there regularly. Our ceramics building is across the street. You should get a photo of it. It's tucked behind a transmission shop. Look for the tall cell phone antana
Anonymous said…
You rat! You almost gave me a stroke... Suz
Anonymous said…
It's not even 4/1, and you got me.