International Space Station

That white streak in the photo is the International Space Station flying overhead last night.  This is a 2 second exposure with a 200mm lens.  The Space Station was easily visible with the naked eye, it looked like the brightest star moving steadily across the sky from the south to the northeast.

I've seen this 3 times recently, you can find out when it will be visible in your area by following @twisst on Twitter.  I learned about @twisst by following the always informative @jhjones on Twitter.


PerthDailyPhoto said…
So loved seeing this shot Keith, it goes over Perth regularly too, but I'm never prepared in time and it's not an easy shot to get, well done to you.
Anonymous said…
I always loved geometry.
Steve Scauzillo said…
Ground control to Major Tom...
Keith said…
PerthDailyPhoto: It flew over twice this night. Amazing how fast it's traveling.

Altadenahiker: Like chalk on a chalkboard.

Steve: If you play David Bowie in space, no one can hear you scream.