Monrovia Canyon Park Volunteers Recognized By The City Council

Last night, at the City Council meeting, two of Monrovia Canyon Park's finest were recognized by the City Council for the huge amount of hours and work they've given to the park over the years.  On the left is Gabby Gresheck, AKA the face of Monrovia Canyon Park and a favorite of the park visitors.  On the right is Ed Cunningham, someone I'm lucky enough to get to work with every week, and the guy that can do it all - and then some.  Congratulations!


Anonymous said…
yay! (for finally finding your website)
*applause* (for the city council recognition)
w00t! (for the awesome photos that showcase the city of monrovia so beautifully)
hmm...(now i feel inspired to shoot more around this area)
susan (the volunteer)
Congratulations and many thanks to the volunteers of my favorite park
Keith said…
Susan: Yay! is right. Glad you found the website and thanks for the complement on the photos.

Ed and Gabby deserve the accolades. I must also say, a point was made to thank the rest of us park volunteers that night, which was appreciated.

You take many photos? If you enjoy it, go out and shoot! I know it's a lot of fun for me.

Pas Adj: Thank you on behalf of all the volunteers. You have a lot of knowledge about a lot of places, saying this is your favorite park means a lot.