Native American Footprints Hike - Monrovia Canyon Park

Last Saturday was the first of what everyone hopes wil become an annual late October event. 

The 2 hour hike was led by Bear, a member of the park staff, and taught how the Native American Indians lived with the land 200 years ago.  The hike instilled a new sense of respect for nature and covered how they were able to provide for all their needs by using what was available from the land around them.

The hike was too short at 2 hours and demand was so great that a 2nd hike was added in the afternoon. People stayed around long after the hikes were over to continue to ask questions and talk.

When this comes around next year, don't miss it.


Anonymous said…
I've always had a secret desire to try acorn mush. Did you learn how to make it?
Keith said…
Pas Adj: Didn't learn any recipes, but I have had acorn cookies before.
Petrea Burchard said…
It sounds like a wonderful event. I'm glad you got to go.
Anonymous said…
Was it good? I remember seeing a program with Huell Howser where he tried mush. As charming as he can be, his dislike was hard to mask. Maybe it was the recipe.
Keith said…
Pas Adj: One of the staff at the park made them a couple of years ago. They were good but I think there was just a little bit of acorn in each cookie so I'm not sure that's a fair test. Probably an acquired taste.