A Rainy Day Favorite

Potato balls from Merengue Bakery and Cafe.
These are great anytime but they just seem even better when it's cold and rainy out.  Pictured above are 2 each of the cheese filled and the ground beef filled.  The toothpicks are so I could tell them apart.

110 E. Colorado Blvd. Monrovia, CA  91016
Phone: (626) 358-5650.


Steve Scauzillo said…
You had me with that photo...love those things. I've forgotten how good they were. I've got to get back there.
Keith said…
Steve: It wasn't easy waiting long enough to take the photo before eating them.
Dang those look good. I'll be feasting on leftover Cambles tomato soup for lunch. Trade?
susan said…
ooooh! drool...slurp...yummmm!
Keith said…
Pas Adj: Sorry PA, never was much of a soup fan.

Susan: Exactly!

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