Gold Line Operations Campus Open House

Some photos from the Gold Line Operations Campus open house this morning:

Fencing between the Operations Center and Evergreen Plaza park.  The fencing has has the California Poppy design by artist Christie Beniston.

The gathering crowd along with info and refreshments available outside the lobby entrance to the main building.

Live musical entertainment by a group from Monrovia High School next to a Metro Rail Train.

  Tracks leading into the main shop building.

The crowd moved inside the main shop building for more presentations on the stage to the right.

A Metro Rail train car.  Despite the steps on the left, we didn't get to look inside.

 The lobby entrance to the main shop building.

An amazing California Poppy mosaic of 140,000 glass tiles inside the lobby of the main shop building.  The mosaic is also by artist Christie Beniston.

National Anthem singer and speakers in order of appearance:


*Still more photos to follow...
