Monrovia High School - Wildcat Pride

Now that Monrovia High School is about to undergo new construction, updates and refurbishment, this seems like a good time to do a week long daily photo series on the school grounds and buildings as they currently exist.

From today through the 8th, it's going to be 7 days of Monrovia High School here on Gem City Images. I hope you enjoy it.


Janet said…
Looks like there is no way to escape school spirit here!
Keith said…
This is only one of many murals around the school.
HugosPosts said…
Was the pic photoshopped? Either way the artist is a true pro. The graphic just jumps out at you. Great shot!
Keith said…

This is a high dynamic range image made using Photomatix with some minor levels and curves adjustments in Photoshop. The golden late afternoon light was so great I wanted to keep it realistic but with a little extra pop. That you noticed it is quite a compliment. As for being a pro, I couldn't imagine anything more enjoyable. It is a goal.

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