Opinion: Proposals For The Route 66 (Huntington Drive) Bridge Mural

Normally, I'd keep my opinions to myself over things like this, but the 100th birthday of Route 66 is coming up in 2026 and this is important.

The city has announced the three finalists for the mural that will cover the bridge over Huntington Drive (Route 66). Although all three designs comply with the city's guidelines, I believe how well they capture the vibe of Route 66 varies.

What bothers me about Attachment A is that it doesn't look anything like Monrovia. The images of the Big M, Aztec Hotel, Monrovia High School, and the Flying A gas station look like poor AI renditions of the real, iconic locations. If they weren’t labeled, I doubt I would recognize them. If the purpose is to celebrate Route 66, this feels disrespectful. These locations still exist and can easily be seen in person. Attachment A would make it look like the city just doesn't care. 

My opinion, for what it's worth, is a No on A.

Here is the link to the report from the city and to each of the three proposals: https://www.monroviaca.gov/home/showdocument?id=34476&t=638532895821625377

The real deal:


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