Volunteer Center Pie Contest May 10, 2012

Peach Cafe

From the Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley press release:

On Thursday, May 10, 2012, The Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley will be hosting it’s first ever PIE CONTEST!  
 This fun and tasty event is an effort to raise awareness about the Volunteer Center, and to bring attention to women and children in shelter programs, seeking safety from domestic violence in their homes.  It takes an average of seven attempts to leave a batterer before an abused woman leaves for good.  Separating from a batterer can often be the most dangerous point in a battered woman’s life. 
  The Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley would like to honor these brave women in shelter programs on Mother’s Day by presenting them with delicious homemade pies donated for the Pie Contest.  Contestants will bake a pie for judging in the contest, and will also donate a pie to battered women’s shelters for Mother’s Day.  We will award three contestants with ribbons and prizes at the event.  The contest will be from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at The Peach Cafe in Monrovia, CA.  The entry fee is $10 for one pie entered, or $15 for no limit of pies entered.  Entry forms must be returned to the Volunteer Center before or on the day of the event.  Please contact the Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley for contest rules and registration.  
We hope you can join us at this exciting event and enter your amazing home-baked pie, or support us by volunteering, donating a pie, cheering on the contestants, or just stop by and taste some yummy pie!  Your participation will contribute to a fun and exciting experience for all, and will help get people inspired to volunteer in their community as well.

For more info, call the Volunteer Center at (626) 256-8187.  The local office of the Volunteer Center is right here in town at the Community Center and their website is: http://www.volunteercentersgv.org/

The Peach Cafe, where the contest will be held, is pictured above and is located at 141 E. Colorado Blvd. in Monrovia.

Click below for the pie contest flyer and entry form:
Pie contest flyer
